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When a Wikipedia article is marked for deletion, they should say it's in jimbo limbo.

"something to strip away your rights must be done" because <20 people got killed with scary guns in two weeks. yet 7000 are dying every day from covid and it's still legal to go out to dinner in a restaurant with no mask.

pay attention.

not all cultures are equally good, valuable, or useful

freedom of association is one of the most powerful individual rights we have. i wish so many people weren't advocating against it. you're entitled to your opinions, of course, but those talks aren't useless: they communicate useful information about him to others.

you'll learn in time, i imagine.

the people who like rms are wrong because rms is demonstrated trash, the people who don't like rms are wrong because they read articles about what he wrote that are factually incorrect. thus we proceed it sounds like you don't have much in the way of knowledge of people's personal experiences with him.

@rats_god i wouldn't worry that much about it, fur suits remain flammable rms is trash, any organization that associates with him for any reason should be avoided

@veit that article makes factually incorrect statements about what rms wrote.

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RT @Senficon:
I am shocked that @fsf has decided to allow RMS to rejoin their board of directors. Clearly the organization does not prioritize creating a safe and welcoming environment for all parts of the free software community. I will not speak at their events again.

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The OSI’s response to RMS’s reappointment to the Board of the Free Software Foundation is also very clear:

@duponin no, because search warrants are a thing. anything you store can be accessed by the state if they wish to do so.

@striker @duponin burglars aren't burglars when they are outside.

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in case you were curious, the momentum of a fully loaded Ever Given is approximately 2.6 billion kilogram-meters per second, which is approximately equal to the momentum of a hummer H1 moving at 750km/s

i like to read banned/censored books. got any recommendations?

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