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elon musk should go as hugo drax for halloween

@fediverse mending is ending. i don't chase 'em, i replace 'em.

@ParadeGrotesque the peter principle doesn't stop someone who has risen to the level of incompetence to be detected and reassigned/dismissed.

navalny has gone on a hunger strike to demand medical care following his claims of being tortured in prison in russia.

is any large human group in 2021 actually civilized? the US, China, and Russia are all out of the running.

i would work for free to apprentice under TSMC's head of physical security

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i'm gonna go see the arc de triomphe when they wrap it in christo and jeanne-claude's fabric

@stemid no, those enable scripts from those domains on any website. i want to only enable google static js (from those other domains) on *google* websites (e.g., and not elsewhere across the web.

why is youtube recommending fucking crowder videos when i don't send it cookies indicating i'm a decent human being

noscript should let me specify which js domains are permitted on which sites. i'd also like browser cookie control that works similarly. my user-agent should send different cookies to google on each site google JS is loaded from.

every now and then i spend a bit of time catching up with modern hip-hop, to make sure my assumption that it's getting worse is not just a baseless belief. turns out modern hip-hop is indeed getting worse.

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remember when you were a teenager and put really angsty quotes on your webpage?

turns out there are people still doing that, and it's great

@icedquinn lumnah acres? i only watch that channel for their tuxedo cat, figaro

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"have you actually personally implemented the advice you're giving, or are you just speculating?" is going to be one of my new catchphrases.

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