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youth and hormones, potential hot take 

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Even if you didn’t know weed was legal you could look at this and know for sure that weed was legal.

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"Procter & Gamble will raise prices on adult diapers in September"

Hyperinflation comes for us all in the end.

i'll be over here tooting until the heat death of the universe

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Reminder that if you don't post "I'd rather have a laptop" within 24 hours of a new iPad being announced, Apple will replace your laptop while you sleep.
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nytimes sends your browsing activity to *both* amazon and google for advertising purposes on every page you view on the site.

the new imacs are gorgeous. i remember when i used to be able to get excited for these. now i am filled with dread at the prospect of the majority of the users of these devices being coerced into giving most of their daily usage data, as well as their identity alongside, to a giant corporate log repository that the CIA can access at any time without a warrant.

@surfingalot yes the shares in the stock exchange operator aren't remotely correlated to the shares in an index fund though. they represent different businesses, different cash flows.

if the iphone not allowing you to install apps without doxxing yourself to apple wasn't enough to make me stop buying them (spoiler: it was), the fact that apple is now going to co-opt your device into being part of a global tag locator surveillance network (a la "xfinitywifi") sure as fuck is.

@surfingalot absolutely not. first off, ETH doesn't give exposure to most ERC20s, and it doesn't give exposure to anything not on ethereum (btc, ltc, doge, cardano, solana, et c)

@smpl free association means free dis-association too.

the minimum bar for live sets is now set: you have to be more entertaining than the acid randomizer:

what is the ERC20 equivalent of VFIAX?

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I have now seen two people post about how its Bicycle Day. Is that because they have calendars? How do people know these things? I don't even remember what day it is most of the time.

> On April 29, 1992, the seventh day of jury deliberations, the jury acquitted all four officers of assault and acquitted three of the four of using excessive force. The jury could not agree on a verdict for the fourth officer charged with using excessive force.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!