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the apple app store official app of the year is a children's game whose privacy label says it uploads all sorts of information about you:

youtube keeps showing me very well produced, well written 3 minute long anti-abortion ads.

why did i just think the phrase "brad owen's ken doll crotch mound" creating more consequences for certain speech (such as using one's freedom of association) is one of the most powerful tools we have

of course it doesn't roll over to next year. use it lose it, baby!

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here's a dystopia we haven't seen yet: keyboards
that you have to buy keypresses on. of course the IAP is cheaper if you buy a year's supply. yes it is very funny when people get arrested for giving educational lectures at conferences

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@vidak most people cannot code on 80s micros even if they apply themselves a little. try again

@wowaname it was a joke, i have 2600 words up on my website from over a year ago explaining why twitter sucks now

oh boy twitter is really going to go to shit now

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Dorsey? Sorry, I don't follow instance admin drama.
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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!