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@raindrops the moon is a harsh mistress. stranger in a strange land. seveneves. candide. 3001. infinite jest. the culture series. dune.

@ilumium iCloud and iMessage are fully integrated. All of the devices that run one run the other; they are released as a cryptographically assured monolith. For all intents and purposes they are the same.

ITT: people who don't know how to do math

it's astounding the level of financial illiteracy in the USA

i hope to be enough of a baller one day that the nyt knows not to capitalize my nick

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@sugar it's because everyone switched from computers to phones and phone vendors intentionally cripple websites to drive people to their rentseeking app stores.

@ilumium the fbi doc says they can get content of messages. the endpoint escrows the e2e keys. the fbi can get content of messages because the e2e keys are escrowed. that's an e2e backdoor.

@ilumium if the device running imessage escrows the e2e keys to the same org as runs the imessage relay servers, using keys that are known to that org (i.e. icloud backup is not e2e, and backs up the imessage keys), then that's an e2e backdoor.

in an actual e2e system, you can't get message content without getting the endpoint keys from the endpoints. apple escrows the keys to icloud.

TIL japan has the death penalty and in 2015 80% of the public were not opposed to it.

@obsolete29 a direct cryptocurrency payment address, no friction, no identity, no middleman

@obsolete29 those both require doxxing oneself to the platform, so i never use them.

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i have a zip of a consulting client's post-compromise webroot in my google drive. google won't let me download a zip of the folder containing this zip because it contains a virus.

google drive locking me out of my client data. cool.

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