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@meena and re: lena, it's easy to construct a narrative ("no one seems to have asked") around this general trend of performative wokeness but this falls in the same category of renaming the "primary bedroom": nobody is practically harmed by any of this, and it's simply cultural alignment signaling, like wearing a sports jersey. it's not productive or useful to anyone for its ostensible purpose. ask the supposedly marginalized. nobody who matters cares one bit about a pinup.

@meena 100% of people understand that when they buy an NFT "with your face on it" that your face has not been sold and that you still have it.

you're also factually incorrect with your closing statement about NFTs, even though i agree with the general premise that NFTs are stupid; you should make sure you use accurate claims when you criticize something, otherwise your criticism is pointless.

@LovesTha nothing i can do to stop them if they choose to do that. it's not a matter of whether i mind or not, it's a matter of whether they're free to or not. if they take a picture of me in a public place, they have every right to communicate that picture to others.

@wowaname email is crap. there's about 400 problems with it, not the least of which is that as a protocol it fits very very poorly with the modern model of always-on thick clients (smartphones). it's a code smell (for a person) to ask "why not email?" as if unencrypted communications are okay

@obsolete29 @arh @kev @tdarb @jxself

arh when you use an SSG you have three parts you need:

1) git hosting
2) building / CI
3) static file hosting

they can be 3 diff groups. i use my own git server for the first, my own drone server for the second, and free netlify plan (fronted by free cloudflare plan) for the third.

i can give you an account on my git server if you want to share my infra for the first two.

@obsolete29 @arh @kev @tdarb @jxself

capsul seems super cool and i might become a customer, but the values in the "net" column on the pricing page lack labels. is that how many mbps i get to use? gigabytes transfer? terabytes transfer? per day? per month?

@arh it occurs to me that the average IQ on the earth is going up faster than usual due to covid. it kills indiscriminately, and it has killed many very smart people, but it kills more stupid and un-clever people than it kills smart people, on balance. the average intelligence on the planet is going up.

@arh sometimes he does, but most of the time he's just got a position, and he's got his choir, and he's going to preach to them and they're going to cheer him on appreciatively and facts aren't going to enter into the matter. it's a lot of standard california anti-liberty stuff. he uses "libertarian" as a slur, for example.

@cnx yes it's possible to configure servers that way and if indeed you have succeeded in this you will be the first (out of a half dozen) privacy-focused server admins who have set up a matrix instance who have succeeded in not having it phone home to that's a problem with the software. all software can be modified to not do what you don't want it to do, that's not the point. all of the instances in the wild do this. also, my thread is about element the client, not your website.

i like how it's just assumed that gaming keyboard configuration tools are going to be a win32 .exe and that's what you're getting and you're going to like it.

it's really sad to see smart people i respect and admire both:

a) not understand that free and uncensorable payments are essential to a free society, just like free speech


b) shit on the people who are implementing same

these people got my respect in the first place by actually shipping work and being right. now they're just old and repeating falsehoods which are obvious from reading the code.

@cnx the client does it before you even configure a homeserver. this is a client issue, not a homeserver issue. it's broken by design. i filed the bug years ago.

first you complain about being surrounded by stupid people, then you complain about a pandemic that kills off millions of the weak and unvaccinated

pick one

so element:

a) phones home to the centralized dev servers ( immediately on every launch

b) tries to download new "packages" (code) to run from the centralized dev servers


c) doesn't let you log into more than one account at a time

no i will not be adopting this thank you

@extraspecialk i am glad alternatives and forks exist. i am glad that the meme that you can't fork the official client and continue to use it with the official servers died.

when wokeness goes too far:

literally nobody sane or reasonable has any real issue with this. this is 100% performative nonsense, like renaming "primary" bedrooms.

Seattle Police, birdsite 

@cyber_ruffy snowden can never come back to the usa even with a pardon without permanent mortal risk of a CIA-induced "accident". they operate outside of legal frameworks and they don't brook what they perceive as traitors. sucks but true. he needs a nation-level protection team to guard him from USG for the rest of his life regardless of legal status.

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