if dadrock is bad, i don't wanna be good
elon was right, pronouns suck
@9x0rg yes, it still fucks with them. videos too. there's no "please don't fuck with my files" setting.
what the fuck is with software automatically resizing my images to be shit? signal does this, mastodon does this (either serverside or in the ios client), everything does this. i spend ten grand a year on cameras and software makes their output look like a fucking potato despite me and everyone i communicate with being on gigabit or 5g. i hate this timeline
the apple studio display (which of course has an Ax chip in it and standard iOS-style secure boot/update with personalized-to-serial updates) cannot be purchased in-person with cash if you want the VESA mount. you need to provide payment card info (identity) to get the serialized device. even our monitors are trackable now.
@fprime @thegibson this sort of looks like a nightmare
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