Show more i think it's an "adults only" thing which is unrelated to age of consent

the m2 macbook air (maxxed out, in black, natch) is the best computer i have ever owned. it's fucking remarkable.

you can't tinder in japan without doxxing yourself as it requires government ID for "age verification"

what a bullshit law

@jeff @calcifer you can frame it however you like but it's a fact that the causes of orientation are as yet unknown. not everyone is interested in your silly local culture war in a small country that has less than 1/20th of the humans in it

somewhat surprised google doesn't have a private fork of go where goroutines can be distributed across their millions of machines

@jeff @calcifer also your last claim is actually false; i like and support trans people and i think it's important to note that the reasons that some people are trans and some are not are currently *unknown*. this is important.

@jeff @calcifer everyone is free to bandy about the philsophical nature of anything, obviously

@jeff @calcifer "we don't know x" is not an offensive notion, it's just the truth.

@jeff @calcifer i didn't suggest anyone was faking. i said that i don't have data to indicate whether or not this is a conscious choice. your anecdotes (as well as my own) suggest that due to the difficulty of the process, it likely is not - but that is not proof.

correspondingly, the "being {gay, trans, etc} is a political statement" theory is not debunked.

even with the new "advanced data protection" which enables e2ee for more stuff in iCloud, contacts (that is, your whole social graph) and calendars are STILL not e2ee and readable by Apple and DHS without a warrant.

apple has updated HT202303 to be more clear that Apple has the keys to your device backups that include your iMessage history:


> iWork collaboration, the Shared Albums feature in Photos, and sharing content with “anyone with the link,” don’t support Advanced Data Protection. This means the shared content is not end-to-end encrypted even when Advanced Data Protection is enabled.

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CVE-2023-21036 / acropalypse is absolutely bonkers.

Apparently for 5+ years the cropping / editing tools for screenshots on Google Pixel phones was only overwriting the start of the screenshot PNG file, but not truncating.

All screenshots shared for the past 5+ years might have data recoverable from them. Demo available at

Google still hasn't communicated anything on this.

(h/t ItsSimonTime on Musk's site)

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@calcifer well, i have yet to see any data supporting or opposing the idea that trans-ness or queer-ness is or is not a personal decision.

if it is a personal decision, then it could be a political statement.

i think the general orthodoxy is that it's not a decision, that it's innate, but there are other personal decisions surrounding it (actions, mostly) that are choices.

i mean, all of the closeted gay priests are choosing *not* to make the political statement of coming out...

@chjara what's wrong with plastic going in landfills? it's a very good place for it.

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