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@murph why would you want them to succeed blindly when you don’t know what they are doing or what goals such actions are in service of? this is fandom not science. mozilla is trash these days

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A drone that sprays you with "a substance" if it determines that you have an "aggression factor greater than an aggression threshold."
US Patent 11618562

the amazon cunts are putting banner ads inside my order history list now. this angers me beyond words. i am being punished for being a loyal and frequent customer.

wow, AVP is mega mega version 1.0 - i loaded my IMAP email configuration profile on it, and it's "unknown payload" and the account doesn't show up. it doesn't even support adding email accounts from profiles yet, and i see no way to use it to extend a mac desktop across a local lan unless you use icloud on the mac (i don't).

i think visionOS 1.5 or 2.0 is going to make this thing a lot lot lot more useful.

macbook air : ultrabook :: mac mini : nuc

@Hyolobrika @Gargron can you recommend one with a documented upgrade path from mastodon?

@ralf i have some contract projects that might be useful to you in the short term. email with your skillset, we could kick off in under 24 hours if you can do swift, golang, wordpress, hugo, etc

@ralf if you're so skilled why have you been out of work for 20 months? what's the blocker?

so jwz blocked me (lol, big surprise) but mastodon the software is pathological and now hides all of his *public* posts from me *on my own instance*, even though i can go to the instance he uses and read them all there because they are public. clicking on the notifications of him replying to me now makes them display for a moment then flash away hidden, even though my instance received them. why does mastodon allow remote users to decide what i can read off of my own server? @Gargron

@rayckeith NYT is one of the most prominent non-right-wing publications there is, tbh. i'm not right *or* left but i'm constantly annoyed at their pushing the left-wing agenda instead of neutral reporting. if you look for conspiracies against you, you're gonna find them even if they don't exist

@hawkesnest @jwz yes, disdain for those who would quote rap lyrics on twitter at dickhead city officials, a noble and worthy cause lol

There's a bug in latest/current (v 16.0) that sends remote HTTP requests for messages under certain circumstances even when "block all remote content" is checked in the privacy tab in settings. Thank fuck for Little Snitch.

the Apple Business Manager website only supports Safari, Chrome, or Edge. you can't use firefox, it doesn't even show bugs, it just pops a modal saying "unsupported browser" and tells you to FOAD

nPlayer in the iOS app store says it doesn't collect data on its app privacy label, but its privacy policy says it does, and the app privacy report shows it actually exfiltrating data to google APIs in practice. app privacy labels are self-reported. we could go for a lot more forced sterilization everywhere tbh apple makes the best products. not using apple products is like not using the internet: it's possible, but it would make your life bad and your business slow and inefficient.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!