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Is there a plugin for jekyll to reproduce my toots on my jekyll static site?

at 9am i get to go stand in a line to buy flour (so I can make bread, because none is available), watched over carefully by guys with machine guns.

there are still like 30 people in times square and i want to ask them why

accidentally over-caffeinated and now the second half of the day is shot. oh well, at least i fixed my database bug

no mattermost desktop electron app? sort of a bummer

made a feature branch and forgot to switch to it. committed and pushed, accidentally redeployed the live site ¯\(ツ)/¯

@kushal i like your website and your znc+tor article is useful.

docker with the userspace-proxy on is janky as fuck.

docker with the userspace-proxy off is broken.


templating is way too hard in golang

i have the distinct impression i’m gonna be super burned out on fried rice after this year.

turns out that as dissatisfying as screaming into the void sounds, after twelve years of screaming into the void, it's better than not screaming at all

in my mind people who object to the downloading of public toots for archiving/searching are like the people who tried to sue google for scanning all the books

I can still log in and review my tweet history, and can find all of my TOS-marginal ones except that one.

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