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are people with two laptops (work and personal), two tablets (reading and keyboarded), and a desktop at home and at the office just not supposed to use signal? wtf

so i have two ipads (a mini and a pro), two laptops (a pixelbook and an rmbp), and a desktop (imac pro). signal linked on all of them. got new gaming desktop, dual booted linux. kde rules, turns out. trying to link signal there: five linked device maximum. wtffffffffffffffffffff

howcome nobody told me thatKDE plasma is fucking amazing now?!

this is the linux desktop i've been waiting 15 years for, no joke

can we just acknowledge for one second that CNN knows this theory is bullshit, mentions that they know it's bullshit, quote the official saying that the evidence all says it's bullshit... then publishes the bullshit theory.

what the actual fuck is happening here

sneak boosted

"we could already steal your grandma's secret recipes from userland"

You sure could. What you couldn't do is monitor network traffic, monitor keystrokes, modify the libraries of other programs, read cryptographic keys from memory, access raw sensor data, or just straight up have NT AUTHORITY/SYSTEM on millions of computers so that people don't aimbot your shitty f2p tf2 clone.

Why should I have to build an airgapped computer just to play tencent's horseshit games on?

aaaaand we've hit corona-chan hentai. that's enough internet for today

sneak boosted

hot take from 1999 if your USB-to-legacy-port adapter isn’t translucent bondi blue and white/silver you have failed; bondi blue *is* the colour of USB

i hope that the way in which i'm wrong here is not "oh well the incumbents started a world war"

been thinking about this a lot and i've concluded that the US election this year doesn't matter as much as everyone seems to think it does. the bulk of the damage from the virus will be wrought already by november, and the entire US economy is proper fucked for the next >8 years anyway no matter who gets elected, so it's a moot point really

i thought the new cheapy mbair was supposed to be $1099 now instead of $999, but it's $999 on when i just looked. (historically it was their best-selling laptop at $999, i was surprised they changed the price point)

interesting that the chinese imprisonment/abuse of an ethnic minority into camps (1.5M out of 1.393B, 0.1%) is held up as this huge, heinous human rights abuse (and it is) and yet the american practice of imprisoning ethnic minorities (usually without trial) is more than 20 times more widespread (2306/100k, 2.3%).

now that efi supports booting from files on plain ol fat partitions on a gpt-formatted device with no mbr magic required, i am going to turn this 512gb usb stick into the ultimate multiboot utility tool with like 10 different live partitions

the fix is "export LSCOLORS=ExGxBxDxCxEgEdxbxgxcxd" for reference

whatever colorscheme oh-my-zsh installed uses the same color for directories as i'm used to for symlinks and now my whole world is upside down

sneak boosted
@sneak @kick ignoring deletes in a social network is, bluntly, antisocial. but do what you will

zfs tab completion isnt so fast on a directory of 50k items

contemplating the loss of almost all of my develop settings for the last 10 years if i migrate from lightroom classic to darktable

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