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US federal border cops rape about 1 immigrant kid per week on average, and oversee over 20 other child rapes per week, according to the paper of record:

i like the instance a lot and it seems to have some pretty nice people on it. also i like the mental picture i get when i think of the domain name. sort of like that raccoon that does somersaults, but a cat

really tempted to write the minimum viable threaded forum software in go/sqlite. no js, no ajax, no images, just a login form and some post/edit forms and some thread rendering (on the server, of course). inspired by sircmpwn a little bit.

i wonder if i could do it in one day.

startling realizations i've had in the last few years:

a minority of human beings actually believe in human rights, and it's sort of a miracle that they are championed at all on earth, and is only due to tremendous amounts of hard work by visionary people over the last two centuries or so.

also, a combover, spray tan, fake-ass gold shit, a nice suit, and a trophy wife is still an effective power move against hundreds of millions of yokels

the generic, nontechnical FUD response to the apple/google contact tracing initiative is really sad. i read the docs the day they came out. they're not scary, and i'm an extreme privacy advocate. even moxie got in on the act, which was lame as hell. it's just posturing.

i've not seen one person (including moxie, who made plainly incorrect technical claims) who read and understood these technical documents then leveled legitimate criticism at them.

need forum software. requirements:

1) not ruby/ajaxy mess that is discord

2) not php

3) free-as-in-freedom software

please advise

why does everyone write their forum software in shitty php?

i wonder what kind of security is used for the shipment of next-gen iPhone CPUs from TSMC to Foxconn's assembly locations. like, do they just put it in an ordinary container and ship it over like anything else? if it gets lost or stolen that's like a few billion bucks lost, they can't possibly do it that way.

how is the ban on residential servers on cablemodems compatible with the "must serve all" provisions of common carrier status via a public utilities commission?

it's really annoying that mastodon will refuse to display me toots that are *in my database on my own server*. i filed it as a bug but they have a strange view of how federation should work.

i don't care much for partisan US politics but i can relate to the outrage at people who are still pro-biden who screamed "believe women" during the kavanaugh thing.

i'm trying to figure out what the US military is planning to do with all of this anti-china sentiment they are manufacturing domestically. i don't think the plan is a hot war; are they just trying to offset the pain millions will feel when computers and washing machines and such go up in price 3x during a trade or cold war?

i wonder if the tire fire that is systemd happened because linus didn't ever take ownership/responsibility for a userspace and just punted that forever to GNU (which has always sucked and will always suck)

the more i read about the solar wind and the magnetic fields of both earth and the sun (including the fact that the earth's magnetic field sometimes collapses and goes wonky and then reverses) i become more and more amazed that complex life and advanced technology has occurred on earth and more and more astounded at how tenuous and fleeting it probably will be

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!