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it should be a feature in more products to automatically email you a data export monthly (excluding media, like a 1-5mB file) in case the service suspends you or otherwise disappears/fucks off

Is it possible to do a U2F authentication without executing any javascript?

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Gone from Twitter, after a 12 year run, because I can't endorse censorship platforms by donating content to them. :(

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My PaaS I use to run containers uses docker swarm, which uses a userspace L3 connection proxy (even though only one box), which means my main nginx rproxy/tls endpoint doesn't see client IP, which means mastodon's rate limiting (which has no off switch) breaks constantly.

so now i might have to rent a vps just to run mastodon. or switch to pleroma.

cant even escape the stupid culture war complaining in the latest billy gibson novel. ugh.

I've finally decided that Twitter's censorship has gone too far, and I'm deleting my account on Halloween. Wish me luck.

(They used to just censor what you're allowed to post, but now they're censoring search results too, deciding for you what you're allowed to read. Fuck that.)

linux OSes should not let you install packages via the command line; you should be required to add them to a syntax-checked file and then run a command to ensure system installed packages match the file.

yo @ddevault i think that stupid commons clause non-oss license that n8n uses (that prohibits selling of the "Software") doesn't cover derivative works, so you could edit one file and then run it as a SaaS. i'm not a lawyer but that's how it reads as english. ps fuck that fake open source guy

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Speaking at an Aug. 25 news conference in Pittsburgh, they said they had found the names of an additional 10,000 state prison inmates on Pennsylvania’s unemployment rolls. But they said they were still investigating whether those people were aware that jobless claims had been filed on their behalf.

This seems like the kind of thing where you'd work to build a system resistant to this kind of fraud instead of diffing spreadsheets after the fact.

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Anyone have any experience with this pleroma alternative? Just wondering people's experiences with it. I'm looking to change software for my instance and don't want to eat up 3/4 of my server resources to run masto. Also, are the dev(s) racist shitheels?
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What surveillance equipment is law enforcement using in your area? EFF and @RSJNevada are mapping police technology in use all over the United States

is hearing full auto fire, which is legal, grounds for RS to investigate/terry stop?

why is it so hard to buy standard size poster frames with actual glass glazing and not acrylic/plexi?!

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!