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forgetting anything, Apple?

(hint: it's your IP address)

`Darwin users-Air 20.1.0 Darwin Kernel Version 20.1.0: Sat Oct 31 00:07:10 PDT 2020; root:xnu-7195.50.7~2/RELEASE_ARM64_T8101 arm64`

had to opt out of siri a SECOND TIME (in an hour) after completing the 11.0 to 11.0.1 update.

this is a work computer, i am not a tween or heading off to uni to live in a dorm, how do i make my computer at least pretend to be a sensible work tool for a serious adult

this multicolor oversaturation with so much blue and red reminds me a lot of XP. at least in xp you could reenable windows 2000 boring gunmetal grey corporate theme in like three clicks. i don’t see any setting in 11.x to disable happy curvy cotton candy sugar factory colonel sweeto mode

i wonder if i can boot this 11.0.1 known-same-as-everyone-else checksummed usb boot key i made on this m1. is the kernel a fat binary, or do they ship two different ones on the efi partition? i'm going to have to dig into this

keyboard and screen on A2337 (M1 air) are, as predicted, absolutely impeccable.

loading mattermost in safari did beachball it for a few seconds, though.

the wifi mac address randomization feature on modern iOS is not available on M1 macs with big sur

Big Sur(veillance) should be called macOS Derpy. everything is rounded and colorful and looks like a toy.

i've had this M1 air for less than an hour and i'm already sad that catalina won't run on it. :(

it used to be you could download a training model for offline/local dictation in macos. it seems that has been removed, and dictation now requires internet.

there are no more keyboard backlight buttons on the f row, there are now dictation and a button to toggle do not disturb. no obvious way to disable keyboard backlight in the f row, or in the first pane of the keyboard preference panel. ugh

fun fact: my m1 air came with macOS 11.0 on it, which has never been available as a downloadable installer from apple. 11.0.1 was the first release. I wonder what's different

finder man is now suffering from whatever deformity those cats with squished in faces have

big sur express setup defaults location services to on and analytics to on. if you click the tiny “customize” button in the corner, you can disable location services, but only after a third click for “are you REALLY SURE”.

this reminds me of win10’s offline account creation tbh

sneak boosted

i would like an iframe or script i can put on my website that will pull my latest toots from my mastodon or pleroma instance. please advise.

dear fediverse, would someone please make a bot that just posts random pictures of jiji the cat

the verge started doing a thing in their reviews where they track how many non-negotiated contracts you have to agree to to use a product.


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