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we all evolved from this pc alone.

20 years ago Pentium 3 was in everyone's homes.

maybe my favorite thing about activitypub/mastodon: see a cool video? THERE'S A DOWNLOAD LINK RIGHT THERE

Ahh, so T2 and M1 macs come activated from the factory. If you do a full disk wipe, they *cannot* be reinstalled until they talk to the mothership via the internet.

i wonder if google puts in the login flow so that people can't block it without breaking google login on the web

if you're doing financial work (such as cryptocurrency) relative dates such as "2 days ago" are fine... IF AND ONLY IF YOU ALSO SHOW THE FULL DATE/TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE

i wonder if i can take drivers from catalina for my current-gen intel rMBP and drop them into high sierra. was the touch bar out then?

thinking of going back to high sierra because i can make them with autodmg. probably won't support my rMBP with good keyboard, though. :(

you can't donate cryptocurrency to wikimedia without IDing yourself.

what does it say about our world when the best laptop that can run unsigned OSes is made by dell

(yes i know the M1's boot security can be disabled, but there are no unsigned OSes that will run on it today. don't @ me.)

is there any authoritative confirmation that the M1 is made by tsmc? obviously they make a lot (all now?) of the Ax chips and I think they're the only ones doing 5nm (which is what the M1 is) - but has either Apple or TSMC actually said this is true, or has any teardown or other public information confirmed that the M1 is from TSMC?

the geopolitical effort to get nations to permit ICBMs to approach their ports without automatic nuclear response will be a significant fraction of the effort and money and time as it is to build starship itself

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Researchers left 17,000 wallets on the streets of 355 cities, some empty, some with money. Contrary to the predictions of economists, people everywhere were more likely to return wallets with money in them. But rates did vary from country to country.


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Roblox pays 26% of its revenue to Apple/Google for payment processing

(submitted by eruleman)

for an app handling billions of dollars, the uniswap app sure does pull in a lot of 3p javascript hosted on other domains.

the latest iOS enables automatic updates for you even if you've previously opted out. it tells you this during setup, but has no opt out. it's on you to remember at the end of setup that you have to go into settings and disable Apple's remote code execution vulnerability they've placed on your device.

in my continuing quest to be more normal, i am fasting this thanksgiving

wow, the unsubscribe link in the latest linkedin spam is just a span colored blue with an underline, it's not even a link. that's maybe the shadiest shit i've ever seen.

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