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sometimes i wonder if black people are as angry at kanye as i am for writing/singing "you can be my black kate moss tonight"

predictably, the vaccine appointment website run by the government has 10000+ms response latencies

it should be illegal for government agencies to put google-hosted captchas on public health or public benefits webpages

white people getting vaccinated at almost 2x the rate of black people in america.

don't worry though github stopped calling it "master"

stop putting google javascript on your fucking webpages

maybe i will go to masada this summer

and people wonder why i bought a used car and paid the previously-OEM-but-now-free-agent mechanics to rip out the GSM modem module.

not that i've ever had an occasion to actually pronounce their names vocally, but my in-my-head voice has been saying both Poincaré and Laplace wrong whilst reading my whole life until i watched a veritasium video today

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why is the US media still talking about the previous president so much? i was hoping that after he was out of office he'd be out of most news cycles, but somehow these morons find an excuse to put his name and face in the headlines every week.

you can't call it "fake news" without being tagged some right-wing nutjob due to the idiotic culture war... but with an alarming increase in frequency, when you look at the news in america, it is fake.

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In case you missed it, Google Play recently removed the @Tusky Mastodon app without proper explanation.

Tusky is one of the best Android Mastodon apps, with nothing controversial in it at all. It's quite disturbing that Google can and does act like this.

An alternative and much better way of getting Tusky onto your Android device is by using the independent FOSS app store @fdroidorg

You can find instructions for installing F-Droid here:

#FediTips #MastoTips #Tusky

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the misapprehension of what a logic gate is in these viral tweets nerd-sniped me into laying out an SR latch working on crab logic

(Vcc = a tube connected to an endless source of crabs)


YOU CAN RUN DOOM ON 16,039,018,500 CRABS


sometimes i'm sad that democracy is so prevalent. the correct federal response to what the governors did in texas and elsewhere in the idiot south is not indignant news articles, it's the vader force choke.

my pc, on its side with its side panel off, annoyingly expensive GPU perched in its center, is under one desk exactly where my feet go and the footrest is on my other desk, because my displayport cables were too short. i have three longer cables now but crawling around under the desk and threading them through the vesa pole is such an annoying drag

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!