Powerful (and wise) words from @sneak:
...and an unusually good video walking you through some of the details of a coal fired plant: https://youtu.be/rGtUtnqB94g
A few dumb things in this. But mostly very technical. Not "pop-sci"
i may have a new favorite wikipedia article
Google has suspended Element (@matrix) from the Play Store for "Sexual Content and Profanity". Basically same story as with Subway Tooter a while back. Element is to Matrix as Chrome is to the web. Curiously, Chrome is still on the Play Store.
been waiting for someone to do this.
Powerful piece by @allenf32 on the price we pay, individually and as societies, for unsound money.
The Great Man theory of social progress or art or anything is inherently colonialist and supports kyrarchy. It's a persistent idea in western culture and apparently nothing in a typical CS education ever challenges this. Computers are either invented by a series of great men or they exist in some sort of end-of-history eternal present. RMS is a great man. Therefore any toxicity in his actions is overlookable and toxicity in his defenders is at worst just over exuberance or at best necessary and therefore good.
I'm picking on CS here, but its hardly unique. I've been teaching a course this year that specifically invokes this model of history in the official design documents.
Hacker, researcher, entrepreneur. Make sure we're connected at https://sneak.berlin/list
these toots are also available at https://s.sneak.berlin/@sneak.rss if you're into that.