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please send more memes that make use of comedic kerning

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“sure, here’s our parenting philosophy.” I slide a piece of paper across the desk.

“Sir, this is just two sets of childhood hangups in a trenchcoat”

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why is it so hard to find staff who know how to spell?

i can't be the only one who finds banksy's work to be totally boring and unremarkable and the hype to be unwarranted

17% increase in daily new covid cases over two weeks ago in the USA. still not beating it, not even close.

how long until "wrapped $COIN shares" are an erc20? how long until coinbase supports trading them?

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Brilliant bit of anti-authoritarianism.

(plus, the fact they're so easy to forge is good too)

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Had to tell a customer today, that putting Kubernetes on small appliances, just to start 2–3 services, is maybe not the best idea.
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afaict the killer app for a 3d printer is custom mounting brackets and air shrouds like a case fan to duct adapter, and the killer app for a cricut/plotter is to cut iron on vinyl to make one off shitpost tshirts

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