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ten years of paywall dickbar didn't do it.

i am now a paid subscriber to the times because of this:

give Eric Schmitt, Helene Cooper, Christoph Koettl, Evan Hill, Matthieu Aikins, Ainara Tiefenthäler and Drew Jordan a fucking award.

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timeline: bitcoin was still valued in pennies, apple was already strategizing on how to control the commanding heights of the economy by strangling the chokepoint on their payment system

this is why bitcoin exists - to keep this sort of thing from being successful
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Cum prices are out of control. Almost $5.00 a gallon here. Fucking thanks Joe Biden
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birbsite crosspost 

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I somehow woke up in a nicer timeline in which RMS gracefully resigned from the FSF and started his own cosmetics line

hey twitter publishers: when someone lands on and clicks on your username in a mention, twitter is now no longer showing them your webpage on twitter, but is popping up a modal demanding a login.

Twitter is now explicitly using your content and brand to juice their signup and activity numbers, and interfering with your audience.

i've been using veterinary medicine off label since before it was cool

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the iphone 13 is when apple jumped the shark.

ugh for fuck's sake bitten again by the "computer remembers wifi network password in NVRAM even after drive wipe" bullshit. fuck.

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@aral You're going to like this one: all of the 5 "third party" "privacy" and consumer groups facebook consulted to validate their camera glasses are funded by... facebook!

lightroom is such a stinking turd and yet there is no better alternative :(

most of the time i think the nyt are shitbags and weep for the tragedy that is the fall from grace of the paper of record. then a small fraction of the time they run stuff like they did today. the content and timing could not be more perfect.

at least the nyt is putting the us military slaughtering a half-dozen innocent children as their top story for fucking once. they're also running a story just below it about how the us is still fighting wars in a handful of other countries that we just never bothered to declare, using the same deceit and violence that is on full display as they lie blatantly and openly about the last drone missile in afghanistan.

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Kaplan Döner, Luxemburger Str. 35, 13353 Berlin: Mittwoch, 15. September, bis Freitag, 17. September, 13 bis 19.30 Uhr, Geimpfte erhalten einen Dönergutschein.
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