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don't trust projects that tout decentralization and then tell you to join their discord or telegram group.

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there are no good quick docs on how to build signal desktop on mac. this is disappointing

pip3 install --user yubikey-manager
ykman config mode FIDO+CCID

this will disable the proprietary yubico OTP strings forever

well we're officially at the point now where i am making a private fork of the signal desktop client. what the fuck

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signal is now doing single-view images (like snapchat) in addition to expiring messages, and letting remote users delete messages from my device. this is a form of DRM and now i have to maintain a patched signal client. sweet.

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remember when computers were embedded machines and the interface latencies were below the boundaries of meaningful human perception?

remember how that all got fucked over the last few decades?

there are some (not all, but some) operations on the new rMBP that feel that electronic lightspeed instantaneous. i'm not sure if it's the 120hz display or the stupid fast cpu or specific macOS optimizations, but there is a man-machine tight feedback loop of the kind long gone. it's spooky.

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They're not kidding. The battery life on the MacbookPro18,2 is astounding.

only like 4 years after the homepods could be a stereo pair and 3 years after itunes got the ability to stream to them as a stereo pair and iphones got the ability to stream to them as a stereo pair, the macOS finally gets the ability to use them as a stereo pair

the bottom of the new 16" macbook pro feels cheap, i thought it might have been plastic even, but it is just really thin and has space behind it so it feels plasticky. i miss the rigid unibody slab already.

what a strange, inverted world.

it used to be we bought expensive, underpowered hardware to be able to use this revolutionary thing called the macOS.

now, we get affordable, insanely world-leading hardware... and the worst part is the bullshit toy spyware known as the macOS. i donate money every month to a project that will get some crapware free software OS running on it simply because even that garbage will be better than what comes on it.

if you press the f8 key on a new m1 pro mac, it will phone home to apple and transmit your unchangeable hardware serial number. fwiw it says on the screen that it is doing this after you press f8.

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