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gitea is getting federation! this is the best shit ever.

the rioters last year didn't even use/shoot guns. the only person shot was shot by an official government staff member.

calling this a violent insurrection or rebellion is premature. words mean things. if the american right wingers start an insurrection (as opposed to a riot) or attempt an overthrow, there will be guns. lots of guns.

honk if you remember VXKC4-2B3YF-W9MFK-QB3DB-9Y7MB

wow, this is one of the most amazing/useful tools ever made:

fucking mobilecoin embeds sentry spyware in their apps. :(

the front page of is selling a subscription service. not hardware, but a monthly subscription.

apple 3.0 is gross.

i ordered some jumpsuits/coveralls for doing dirty/workshop kinda work in. i got safety orange because that seemed like a good idea. turns out they're convict orange, and i think wearing these in public is instant Reasonable Suspicion and justification for a Terry stop.

slowly acclimating to cherry mx blue (it's obnoxious) as the brown (my preferred) variant isn't here yet. has anyone strong opinions about the "silent red" variant?



oh fucke i have started collecting keyboards and key caps

9am monday morning, buying electrode jelly from lord bezos

sneak boosted
sneak boosted
sneak boosted

corporate america has so many wage slaves brainwashed that they won't even accept money if you try to put it in their hand.

i can't count the number of times i've had to explain to low skill/wage workers that it's *illegal* for an employer to prevent them from accepting tips.

12.x dropped support for my macbook air :/

you don't get to be a rich person bitching about taxes unless you are also regularly tipping service staff $100.

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