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i would like software that can mirror rss feeds to an activitypub account, please provide

btw if you don't know about it, f2 is one of the best pieces of software that exists:

i have placed 469 amazon orders in the last 90 days. i think perhaps that's too many

was just about to reimplement updatedb/locate with shell scripts and grep but then realized i could just install locate

What is the best android youtube client? Ideally with sponsorblock support and with no play services requirement

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sneak boosted

the backblaze b2 cli reports file transfer speeds in <prefix>bytes/sec. the convention for bandwidth is bits/sec. why (processor for sends a "track your order from $SELLERNAME" emails, but it doesn't include a tracking number - just a "download our app to track!" ad.

fuck you and fuck your spam.

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sneak boosted

If anyone wanted to try Linux for a long time, but just never had a good reason to - now is as good time as any to do this.

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sneak boosted

are there any 4k tablets that can run graphene?

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@thegibson if you define "hacker's hours" to be "up when something is nagging at you, sleep when you are too tired to keep poking at it" then yeah; always

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Names for software 101:
- Word so common it's impossible to search it online when you got an issue
- Write a phrase describing the software then take the first letter of each word to hopefully get a decent name out of it :)
- Be as fancy as possible, and in doubt, use Latin
- Figure out a cool name and then make all of your software just a variation of this original name, accidentally turning your projects into a brand
- Or just use the name of the platform for your project names (example: [word]droid)
- [adjective noun]

melancholia, dr strangelove, and terminator 3 were a few of my favorite movies for having the correct ending. going to have to add don't look up to that list.

fun fact: there are ZERO free video player apps in the Apple iOS App Store that aren't spyware.

If you want to not pay money and just play a local video file and not have your usage or crashes uploaded without your consent: no soup for you. Even VLC has spyware in it on the App Store.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!