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i want to publish my blog posts on a hidden web-based blog ( or something) that outputs RSS, and would like my jekyll blog SSG to render my static site from that RSS feed instead of the markdown in _posts. Does anyone know some existing tools to do this or must I write them?

thinking of writing a small/quick youtube-dl web frontend, sort of like

hmm drop just cancelled one of my orders without so much as an email notification. i logged in to see when it was coming and it just said "cancelled", i didn't even get an email about it.

people complain when i (objectively, accurately) use the term spyware to describe software that bundles opt-out analytics. it transmits your activity off your device, without your consent, often silently. everyone gets butthurt and says "that's not spyware, that's analytics" but not one person has offered any explanation on how that's *not* exactly the same thing that spyware is and does.

this is so fucked up. reporter out alone operating camera and doing a segment, gets hit by a car.

are we angry at the car operator who hit a well lit human being? no, we're angry at the newsrooms who send reporters out alone for some reason?

how is this not victim blaming? it happened because she was alone? fuck no, it happened because americans don't pay attention to the road.

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Reasons you want privacy (according to the government):
* You're a terrorist
* You're a pedophile
* You're a pirate
* You are evading taxes

anti-blockchain zealot bingo:

a square with "carbon footprint"

a square with "deflationary spiral"

a square with "misunderstands xkcd 2030 as anti-all-blockchain-applications"

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wow the documentation for fabric (python ssh admin tool) is terrible

it bothers me disproportionately when people tell lies about me. i'm fine if you share negative opinions about me or whatever, that's your business, but it really grinds my gears when people spread factually incorrect statements about me

hey @leah and @rixx - says that this instance is blocked due to "privacy violation" which I think is false. please advise.

imagine being proud of this first bullet point, on stage

i got a music box, so naturally now i have to write software to convert midi to g-code for a laser cutter.

keep getting rate-limited by my own masto because docker's userspace l3 proxy obscures source IP in http requests because docker is dumb and mastodon has no knob(!) for disabling rate limiting.

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a computer can never be held accountable

therefore a computer must never make a management decision

(IBM, 1979 slide)

wikipedia VPN IP blocks should not apply to you if you're logged in

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!