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sneak boosted

nytimes: The Ukrainian ambassador to Japan, Sergiy Korsunsky, said in Tokyo on Friday that his country “would very much welcome if China will exercise its connection with Russia and talk to Putin and to explain to him, this is kind of inappropriate in the 21st century to do this massacre in Europe.” Mr. Korsunsky noted that China was Ukraine’s largest trading partner, with China buying $17 billion in coal, food and other products last year.

imagine appealing to china to be anti-massacre

sneak boosted


Misinterpreted your meaning at first, thought you were talking about the X display server, couldn't resist.

it's a (usually false) meme to say "x isn't as good as it used to be" but i have a number of objective criteria that indicate that google is actually shit now and wasn't before

is there a search engine that isn't afraid to return no results and actually does an AND search for all the words i type in

the joke is that jupiter doesn't actually bring jollity but simply a brief and agonizing death in the violently turbulent winds of its upper atmosphere

sneak boosted is the official German government portal for doing government-related paperwork online.

They have now created their own Mastodon instance at which contains some official accounts. You can find them on the instance's directory page:

➡️ (in German)

This is a really promising sign! The Fediverse can allow citizens to interact with public officials without having to give away personal data.

#BundDe #Germany #Deutschland #Deutsch #Government

sneak boosted

@k9mail i strongly recommend publishing bitcoin and ethereum addresses if you are soliciting donations for free software. it costs you nothing to support and removes friction for many potential donors.

ukraine about to get a definite article again

@mewmew hey is down, can i be of assistance in any way? i have blobby cat content to post

@mewmew hey is down, can i be of assistance in any way? i have blobby cat content to post

got NFT spam to a private (illegally scraped/stolen/harvested) address from some nft platform startup who namedropped their VCs in the first line of the email.

just notified their VCs investor relations departments that their portfolio company is illegally spamming. cc'd the founder of the spam company.

sneak boosted

Boosted my GPD Win3 with an eGPU (Razer core X Chroma + Nvidia GeForce RTX 3060 Ti).
I now have more power when docking my #GPDWin3 at home 😅

uber is forcing me to agree to a new TOS to use the gift card money already loaded onto my account weeks ago.

"i have altered the deal. pray i do not alter it further."

sneak boosted
@vriska @georgia
>king sized
>able to be purchased by those without monarchal status
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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!