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Things that exist in Europe in just as great of numbers as the US:

* Pro-lifers
* Religious people
* People who hate trans people
* People who think queer people should just be quiet
* People who really believe giving up freedom can make them safer
* CCTV (actually, more)
* Doctors who gatekeep the fuck out of everything
* Medical insurance (yes, really!)
* Shitty infrastructure (though their trains are better, a lot of public transit is busses now...)
* Poor people

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"popular myth is that people who are Very Computer have computers that work. nothing could be further from the truth. the Very Computer are capable of generating much more novel and fascinating ways to make computers not fucking work and exercise this capability wantonly"

i did an experiment for the last year or so seeing if it is possible to live a modern connected life without being tracked by big tech and by extension the us military.

it is not. the experiment failed.

now even if you create an appleid inside the app store app (declining to use one during phone activation/setup), it signs you into icloud automatically without asking (in addition to just the app store).

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finding a file called "uuids" that I saved in 2020 for some reason. inside there are 529 uuids. i have no idea what they are for. could be important, though, can't delete them.

this just in: furries are still trash

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Thank you @USPS @USPSHelp for this insult.

Me: this is my name

USPS: Error. Please enter a name

#unicode #inclusion #noLongerTheEighties

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I want to get these but I know it'd be only like 5 minutes before they got taken away because I kept using them to slap people
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