Iran reveals use of cryptocurrency to pay for imports • The Register
the status (decentralized wallet/chat ethereum app) has a terms of use that i have to agree to to launch the app. it says "you agree to use the status app in a way that doesn't harm or violate the rights of status, status app users, or others in any way".
the problem is that the app is supposedly f/oss.
so apparently if your smart contract gets sanctioned, you lose your personal github account.
sounds reasonable
why are you fools still using github?
international law should focus more on global-scale hazmat than frangible ammunition:
It really shouldn't be legal to leave spent fuel above ground (or underground in things that can leak).
Finland solved this problem. The USA almost did with Yucca Mountain, but stopped and now all the hazmat is just sitting in thousands of rusty insecure sheds, waiting to leak into groundwater.
lewi (@lewifree): "what happened here: 1. setup http server that serves an image 2. make nft pointing to said image 3. send nft to hacker 4. wait for hackers wallet to try to load the nft 5. log the IP that sends the request 6. filter for requests that come from a wallet 7. send IP to the feds"|nitter
a reminder that there is still widespread slavery in america, with the full knowledge and consent of the government:
efficient human execution robot for the machine uprising
Why do we so consistently underestimate progress?
Hacker, researcher, entrepreneur. Make sure we're connected at
these toots are also available at if you're into that.