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apparently the blahaj goes for thousands inside russia as a status symbol rn (due to ikea closures) completely unrelated to lgbtq stuff

i had no idea until my gf started freaking out in the berlin ikea

berlin was 33 and sunny yesterday and is 19 and overcast now

i have come to learn i really don’t like variable and unpredictable weather. i would rather it be the same every day and shitty so i can at least put permanent mitigations in place without having to keep changing things

afaict all the activitypub/mastodon mobile clients are trash

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🌈🌈Pileus☁️☁️ 🌈Cloud iridescence is a colorful optical phenomenon that occurs in a cloud and appears in the general proximity of the Sun or Moon. Time: 2022.08.16 Location: Pu 'er City, Yunnan Province, China Photographer: JiaQi Sun(孫嘉琪) 2022-08-17 03:29:04 UTC
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The only good reason to call the cops:

"She doesn't call to ask for any police services. She calls to harass, to cuss and just degrade the call takers"

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I see a lot of people complaining about how "RSS readers went away." It's a bit baffling, because they didn't. You just stopped using them 🤷

i am very annoyed with my experience in berlin thus far

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Reminder: Anyone can block anyone at any time for any reason whatsoever.

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i do lowkey wish i was one of those fediverse coding madpersons that upon seeing those issues retreats into the coding cave and after 9 days of radio silence just comes back with a fork of the software that does exactly the things they wanted
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The FTC would like Americans to comment on its proposed actions on online data surveillance and security.

My first comment is: Fix your own website. It requires Javascript on before anything at all loads. And has tracking devices including from Google of course.

Et tu, FTC?


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Actually inventing or producing things is at best the path to small-time wealth. The really big fortunes -- the billionaire kind -- instead come from controlling the circumstances under which other people are allowed to produce things.
-- Kevin Carson

#anarchism #quote #bot

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currently dealing with one of the hardest problems in computer science: moving a file to another computer

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behind the post: i couldn't decide between "home meowers association" and "ho meowers association" so I left "home meowers association" in the posting box for like thirty minutes and then I came back and hit the posting button
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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!