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This is your periodic reminder that CLAs are bullshit and you should never sign them!

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7,617,729 accounts
+1,688 in the last hour
+40,713 in the last day
+436,250 in the last week

people who think that trump is or is not made more dangerous by whether or not he has a twitter account are, to put it frankly, naive fools.

i built a custom docker container for masto that holds the database and the webapp (and all the different worker processes) and everything. i think i need to split out the db container. gonna do an upgrade of the app, mine is ancient

backfilling all 450GB of local filesystem masto storage to my (selfhosted) s3 bucket. minio is great software btw

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moving my mastodon object storage to a selfhosted s3 bucket using minio, so that i can move it offsite (to big cheap disks at my house) via nebula reverse proxy

my selfhosted smtpd will not accept plaintext emails, but will (now) allow you to HELO/EHLO with invalid or nonexistent or non-fqdn hostnames (why do all the postfix docs want you to configure to deny mail for that reason??)

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thrown for a loop how so many big tech company people are trying out mastodon for the first time these past two weeks and have post histories that read:

"ok gonna give this a try, this is weird and i dont like it"

"im not happy about this but im forced to admit im enjoying this its a breath of fresh air"

"im starting to realise how much twitter was destroying my ability to interact with people"

"ok heres my twelve toot plan on how mastodon should introduce algorithms and become twitter 2"

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my health insurance sent me a letter saying that my current plan (which i have had for less than 1 year) will increase in price by over 30%. it says if i don't like this to log into the state website and choose a different one. the state website says my account is locked out. i've used it once since creation (just under a year ago).

the government should not be allowed to run websites.

are you proud of this app privacy label, mozilla? is this the viewpoint of firefox?

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"Mastodon is just like email."
Like email? So I use Microsoft Outlook?
"Use WHAT"

(Tools -> Account Settings -> RSS Feeds -> New ->
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"I wish I had a superpower."
"You have. You can communicate, make other people understand your thoughts and feelings."
"No, a real one."
"You can make things, transform wood, fibre, clay or metal into something new."
"No, I want..."
"You can have all that and still ask for more."
#TypoCorrected #SmallStories #MicroFiction #TootFic

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!