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imagine wasting time on video games being part of your [public] identity. kill me if i ever become a "gamer"

what is the maximum reasonable amount of firearms to purchase in a 90 day period for someone *not* planning to shoot anyone/anything?

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About ten years ago a flying squirrel snuck into my house and spent a few hours playing hide-and-seek with my cat. Anyways. Here's the best photo you're likely to ever see of a flying squirrel hiding inside a #sunmicrosystems E4000 server chassis. #retrocomputing #mammals

my mac should notify me automatically if i have been working/active for >30 minutes on home wifi and using battery. instead i use a whole battery cycle and get down to 10% before it reminds me to plug in.

who's in multiline yaml hell? i'm in multiline yaml hell!

trying not to engage in conspiracy theory belief now that my homepod 1s have *this week* after years of faithful service started to become more flaky...

(the homepod 1s are notoriously flaky, i am surprised mine lasted this long.)

TIL i am like the last person on the internet to learn about gamazda

today would have been dan kaminsky's birthday. miss him.

"everybody knows" that deepfakes are harmful.

however i've not seen any evidence whatsoever that deepfakes can or have harmed anyone.

it seems like it'd be obvious that making porn with someone's face on it who doesn't consent to that use of their face would be bad... but you're already allowed to make fake imagery using faces. it's art.

i don't have any evidence that deepfakes are harmful. do you?

The livestream from Punxsutawney is playing the imperial march for some reason

ok campers rise and shine, and don't forget your booties 'cause it's COOOOOLD out there today

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Not naming names, but there are some utter cowboys in the #webdev game. An entirely 'random' example for you: a major website launch where a) the mobile version of the website is unreadable and b) they update the A records but leave the AAAA ones pointing to the old site. Drives me nuts.

If anyone ever needs any technically competent web development where things are checked properly before release do let me know 🙂

#rant #webdevelopment #dns #webdesign

so macOS automatically scans local files on your mac for malware, based on remote signatures downloaded from apple.

anyone wanna bet it can detect anything on your mac that apple wants to detect?

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The perfectly normal thing of checking a buttplug's FCC ID to figure out whether it's plausible to interface it with Home Assistant

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I want the time back when one could make anonymous calls from payphones

exec 1> >(logger -s -t $(basename $0)) 2>&1

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