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sounds like my friends and friends-of-friends are now firmly into two categories: those who are taking isolation seriously and are not leaving the house *at all* and those who are just "distancing" or "limiting contact" and trying to carry on their lives (aka some of the 5 million USAians who will get infected in the next week and show up in the charts in 2-3 weeks)

I have a feeling that we are going to see dozens or hundreds of supply chains slowly disintegrating over the next 90-180 days.

Expect shortages.

it's impossible for me to create a discord account without doxing myself, apparently. it's such a bummer, there are communities that have chosen it that i participate in and now can't.

the lack of linux client support and the lack of "to which keys am i encrypting this message, actually" key transparency for imessage are pushing me toward all-signal, all-the-time. i am officially deprecating imessage, which i have used continuously and primarily since it was launched in 2011. seems to throw you into an infinite redirect loop if you have cookies turned off.

i saw something about toki pona in a website or repo from @cadey and then there was an Atlantic article on HN less than a week later, and now i am in the channel on freenode. think i might learn it

Why don't more service client softwares (e.g. Riot, ChatSecure) for iOS support connecting via Tor?

sneak boosted

"I shook hands with corona virus patients. I shook hands with everybody. I will go on shaking hands with everybody."

-- Boris Johnson, who has just been tested positive for corona virus


Why is the US population being slowly and steadily aligned against China in the media and government communications?

update: no flour.

I now have a dutch oven, yeast, and salt, but no flour.

watching ULA launch a military comsat for the US on a ~$110M Atlas V.

Falcon 9s cost ~$50M, presumably mostly due to the fact that they don't completely waste the first stage every time.

it's starting to look like the only investment i made in 2019 that i will be able to resell at a profit this year is my halloween plague doctor mask

Is there a plugin for jekyll to reproduce my toots on my jekyll static site?

at 9am i get to go stand in a line to buy flour (so I can make bread, because none is available), watched over carefully by guys with machine guns.

there are still like 30 people in times square and i want to ask them why

accidentally over-caffeinated and now the second half of the day is shot. oh well, at least i fixed my database bug

no mattermost desktop electron app? sort of a bummer

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