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i never knew BATFE raided fpsrussia and stole half a million dollars of guns because he had some hash oil for personal use:

sneak boosted
It looks like Twitter is in serious trouble from someone.

They fucking unbanned zerohedge. Something they would never do, they've never cared about political bans.

They also admitted to the Chinese propaganda agent accounts too.

So, who is threatening to destroy Twitter?

the evasive phrase “officer-involved shooting” is racist garbage. “officers shot a black man” would be honest reporting, regardless of the reason (or lack thereof) for the shooting.

it’s good that it appears that the definition of “racist” is rightfully being expanded to include “people who don’t care about racism being carried out”. the willfully ignorant/complacent now outnumber the unintentionally ignorant.

turns out having 18 xeon cpu cores for transcoding is faster than even using the gpu-accelerated version

doing some video training materials, and i feel like winnebago ad man

The US attorney general does not believe there is a problem with systemic racism in law enforcement in the US.

what the actual fuck

Did you know that the NYPD has a $6 *billion* (yes, with a b(!)) dollars per year annual budget?

Six thousand million dollars every year. $16.4 million dollars every single day for policing in NYC.

They should have been defunded substantially by now even if they were nice to people

i think it might be racist behavior of the media to uncritically report as true the things the police claim are true or publish in sworn statements, knowing now what we know about the pattern of police lying.

i wish rms weren't a despicable turd, otherwise he would probably be interesting to talk to:

who is best to follow in the fediverse? who is your favorite account?

i think my domain is penalized on HN

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