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apple is censoring the covid-themed display hack from xscreensaver in the ios app store:

i think "progress over perfection" may become my new motto.

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how insane is it that in 2020 macos doesn't have native readwrite support for ext2/3 in the OS

if an M1 mac has previously connected to an authenticated wifi, and you wipe its disk, there is no way to erase the wifi creds from nvram because cmd-opt-P-R is no more, you need the recovery partition and the nvram util to wipe it.

i've slept something like 5 hours in 32 and i'm only still awake right now because that giant steel dong is headed skyward toward its fiery death any fuckin' minute now

on one hand, it's going to be sad when the web dies. on the other hand, the normies will leave.

this time, however, it won't just be academics and nerds; most of those people will be on surveillance platforms, never to look back. it'll just be us degenerates.

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my browser won't show me the full hostname i'm connecting to. can't reinstall my OS on any of my main devices without phoning home to a manufacturer for crypto signatures. can't install a VPN app without showing ID.

is this dystopia yet?

you can't sign in to a gmail account on your iphone without the iphone talking to apple (

there's no non-ugly free software DE. not one.

<@weev> matrix is what you get when you order discord on wish

i want to move to the pearl river delta but i don't think my lungs could handle the air pollution

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