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If anyone around is interested in "the scene", the old message boards, private trackers, i"m writing an article on ASCII art form the dawn of time to present day. It's a fascinating, just beautiful subject matter and I'm lost in it.

If anyone can help me find my way on into the GG, I'd HIGHLY appreciate it. I'm no spring chicken, but I wasn't born in the 70's either. I will treat you and your community with respect. I am mostly interested in your artwork! :)

john gruber is such an epic bootlicking piece of shit.

putting a sim card in an iphone automatically enables imessage on the phone number even if you don't want it. there is no notification or opt in.

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i often casually wonder whether or not protonmail is run by an intelligence service

the greece PLF entry system emails you a PDF full of PII, including passport numbers, DOB, phone numbers, and those of your traveling companions.

if the government even treats email as a secure/private/safe communications medium (it ain't), what hope do normal people have of resisting this, site that you must use to submit absolutely required docs for travel (covid stuff) is throwing a TLS cert error.

what fresh hell is this

return to the boston atlanta metropolitan axis

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catalina quickview doesn't support webp. wtf? does 11.x?

the spiritual connection between the self-destruct activation sequence for the ship nostromo and the removal of the case of the power macintosh g4 cube

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sausage levels are 54% and rising

(54%) ■■■■■□□□□□

can't buy temple garments from lord bezos but you can buy racist bumper stickers

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what I want is a big tiddy oneesan but what I have is a big mommy state
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uber eats mentions the weather on the tip nag screen when it's raining.

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