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If someone asks you to explain the gap in your resume, just say "I can't answer that without violating an NDA."

It's a really cool way to tell them to fuck off. They don't have to know that the NDA was issued by you to you, and signed by you on behalf of you.

if you are in alaska right now you should probably evacuate to a place not overrun by antivax idiots.

assume you're a doctor in alaska right now.

is taking a 90 day vacation to anywhere but alaska violation of your oath or a moral or ethical failure?

on one hand, lots of sick ppl who need more help than is available. including vaccinated people who have accidents et c

on the other hand, how much obligation to ameliorate the terrible destructive selfish decisions of others do we actually individually carry?

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“ADHD awareness month? you mean it’s October already? i thought it was Wednesday! where did i put my phone? oh, i forgot my dentist appointment, my phone bill is overdue and i didn’t do the dishes yet. what was it i was supposed to be aware of again?”

if you ever want to see where someone's true priorities lie, in a way that is extremely difficult to spoof, look at how they allocate their scarcest resources (and specifically their time). it's difficult to keep up a pretense where it intersects with the practical.

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right wingers are out with signs that say "my body my choice". i think i set one of the settings wrong and ended up on the wrong timeline

fun fact: it is only six months until the winter olympics in beijing (where taiwanese competitors can't use their flag or anthem, natch)

Joke’s on you, Karen.
They put the microchips in
the horse dewormer.

i'm pretty sure the vast majority of solana shills have never tried running and syncing a node.

why do theists and antivaxxers/antimaskers think it's ok to slide into my replies?

how much of an idiot do you have to be to think that vaccine mandates are authoritarian? it's literally a revocation of one side of mutual consent, the epitome of voluntary interactions.

to connect an iphone to a mac, the mac downloads some random-ass software from apple to support the connection. plugging in an iphone prompts you with an RCE button for apple.

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people clown on reddit but there are worse things out there. some people have thousands of karma on Hacker News

sometimes i wish all my friends would die at once instead of piecemeal over decades. thinking of someone then roll d20 and if it lands on 1 then you get to remember "oh they don't exist anymore" really blows. eventually it will progress to <=2, then 3, usw.

this shit sucks

you can only get an EIN for a company from the IRS between the hours of 7am and 10pm eastern time.

what the actual fuck

updating my bulging 6SE to 15. wish me luck.

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