what a strange, inverted world.
it used to be we bought expensive, underpowered hardware to be able to use this revolutionary thing called the macOS.
now, we get affordable, insanely world-leading hardware... and the worst part is the bullshit toy spyware known as the macOS. i donate money every month to a project that will get some crapware free software OS running on it simply because even that garbage will be better than what comes on it.
probably one of the main things that twitter users love is to complain about NFTs every single day for months and months, creating a large unintentional guerilla advertising campaign, drawing attention to and permanently cementing the idea of them into the culture of the internet as a compelling, relevant heel character, and ensuring their survival and widespread adoption
nyc jailers are mass murderers:
Hacker, researcher, entrepreneur. Make sure we're connected at https://sneak.berlin/list
these toots are also available at https://s.sneak.berlin/@sneak.rss if you're into that.