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december 7th, a day that shall live in infamy!

i had a girlfriend once whose birthday was december 7th. i didn't put it in my PIM because, of course, how could i forget?! it's december 7th! it's don vito coreleone's birthday, too!

you know the rest of the story already.

a day that shall live in infamy.

i'm getting really really weary of the constant surveillance embedded in almost all software. developers don't even see it as a problem, they think it's normal and fine and ethical to silently spy on their users without consent as long as it's "anonymous" (hint: it's not anonymous)

traceroute -i is interface

ping -i is interval, ping -I is interface

also, wtf is with some programs outputting help (-h) on stdout, and some on stderr?

the apple app store official app of the year is a children's game whose privacy label says it uploads all sorts of information about you:

youtube keeps showing me very well produced, well written 3 minute long anti-abortion ads.

why did i just think the phrase "brad owen's ken doll crotch mound"

of course it doesn't roll over to next year. use it lose it, baby!

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here's a dystopia we haven't seen yet: keyboards
that you have to buy keypresses on. of course the IAP is cheaper if you buy a year's supply.

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oh boy twitter is really going to go to shit now

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Dorsey? Sorry, I don't follow instance admin drama.
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if youtube is any indication nobody seems to have sanded/polished their aluminum unibody mac to make it ipod v2 mirror-shiny.

thinking of doing it to my 18,2 this winter

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