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forgot to check the "pay uber an extra $2 for your food to not arrive cold" checkbox and of course my food arrived cold, despite spending three grand on uber in two months and having been a customer for 11 years. the support options tree does not have an option for this problem or for "other" so i guess that's the end of our run

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just paid uber fifty dollars to bring me a medium pizza and some ice cream, isnt this app wonderful ugh

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Shopify stores are so annoying with how they always have 50 external adtech domains that they try to load. Some of the worst websites out there.

“The propaganda is working very well,” said Anastasia Nikolskaya, a Moscow sociologist. “It’s not that anyone is welcoming the war, but it is being seen as a last-ditch measure that is necessary.”

americans get outraged when a military dictator manufactures consent for an invasion in other countries, yet still don't throw bush or obama in jail

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everyone freaked out when trump called putin smart, saying he was praising him. i dont think that counts by itself as praise; i also recognize how remarkably intelligent putin is, although it seems fairly obvious he is not using his talents for good.

this interview is an eye opener. he's a master at the reality distortion field, like jobs level.

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"When a dev sneak a backdoor option for himself..."

submitted by tegnatiek

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@chjara haha, let’s see how you like being cut off from the energy and food markets

Elites don’t care because they have the wealth and power to just get that stuff regardless
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oh god, wanna see something classic?

I was looking for the official site of the Chinese government and came on this uh... beaty lol

Responsive? Wha da?

the only way you stop war is by killing people who start them

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nytimes: The Ukrainian ambassador to Japan, Sergiy Korsunsky, said in Tokyo on Friday that his country “would very much welcome if China will exercise its connection with Russia and talk to Putin and to explain to him, this is kind of inappropriate in the 21st century to do this massacre in Europe.” Mr. Korsunsky noted that China was Ukraine’s largest trading partner, with China buying $17 billion in coal, food and other products last year.

imagine appealing to china to be anti-massacre

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Misinterpreted your meaning at first, thought you were talking about the X display server, couldn't resist.

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