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i knew 3blue1brown made manim ( which is the library used for making the animations in their videos, but i didn't know they publish the full source for the generation of all of the videos. that's fucking cool

apple's software update checks will not work with ocsp blocked, you have to temporarily allow it to get updates. also there are bugs in the UI; if you have it blocked it will tell you your system is up to date (with a current "last checked" timestamp) when it's actually not.

is transgenderism an innate trait of a human being or is it a choice/decision made by the person?

what are the arguments (right or wrong) or evidence supporting or debunking the answer?

i am interested in philosophical examinations of opposing, warring viewpoints. i'm pro-choice, for example, but i also recognize that the right to an abortion is a *legitimately* contentious issue because the anti-choice argument is *logically sound* given its premise of human life beginning at conception (a premise with which i do not agree). anti-choice people aren't acting in bad faith, they're just wrong/dumb.

The trans-vs-terfs one is another I love to read about:

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the first rule of thermodynamics is that you do not violate the laws of thermodynamics

the second rule of thermodynamics is that you DO NOT VIOLATE THE LAWS OF THERMODYNAMICS

whew a hard power cycle (soft off/on didnt work) fixed it. smart tvs were a mistake

ugh fuck my $3000 tv that i only use as a monitor is stuck in a smart tv bootloop. for fuck's sake

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Yesterday, during a bike ride to the picturesque Microsoft hyperscale datacenter in Middenmeer (NL), I learned that Microsoft and Google store over 2 million liters of Diesel there, of which half is burned during monthly and yearly tests of their emergency generator. I suppose this is commonly known, their way to reach 99,999 percent availability, I just never pictured datacenters having *that* many chimneys... Biking past them also lets the hyper-ness of their scale sink in 😱

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i wish mkbhd weren't such a basic bitch and actually knew more about technology, his videos look great and are only really marred by his lack of taste

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"Nothing wrong with my thinkpad stickers"

submitted by Kappanneo

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