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now even if you create an appleid inside the app store app (declining to use one during phone activation/setup), it signs you into icloud automatically without asking (in addition to just the app store).

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finding a file called "uuids" that I saved in 2020 for some reason. inside there are 529 uuids. i have no idea what they are for. could be important, though, can't delete them.

this just in: furries are still trash

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Thank you @USPS @USPSHelp for this insult.

Me: this is my name

USPS: Error. Please enter a name

#unicode #inclusion #noLongerTheEighties

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I want to get these but I know it'd be only like 5 minutes before they got taken away because I kept using them to slap people
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Time to turn off your fitness trackers, USA-ians. If you've got a uterus and the fitness thing does core body temperature it's a decent predictor of ovulation and pregnancy :(

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