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i can't believe that literally nobody has accused me of being a troll in the two months i've been rockin' this hair

amazon is total shit in germany :(

coming to berlin is like going back in time

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Intn'l Federation of Journalists: "The UK decision to allow the extradition of Assange is vindictive and a real blow to media freedom"

Amnesty: "sends a chilling message to journalists the world over"

RSF: "implications for journalism around the world cannot be overstated"

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RT @gladstein
1 billion+ people living under at least *30%* inflation

And it probably gets worse before it gets better

🇪🇹 🇹🇷 🇦🇷 🇨🇺 🇻🇪 🇿🇼 🇵🇰 🇺🇦 🇪🇬 🇳🇬

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one day i'll commit this to memory. today is not that day

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Someone in 2010 didn’t want to buy 220 #bitcoin for $1 because it “can take days”

This did not age well.

no one's ever won the main event with aces, but in 2001 dewey tomko did in fact *lose* it with aces:

in the last year there has been a sudden rash of drink spikings and even needle spikings in berlin clubs and everyone has up "take care of each other" signs about looking out for one another... but they dont mention maybe not forcing everyone in the hot confined dancefloor space to smoke your cigarettes with you during a respiratory pandemic.

my consultancy, eeqj, has the website the http site was broken and not serving redirects correctly for a minute, but it's in the HSTS preload list, which means any modern browser will force https (which was working fine).

two different *security industry professionals* contacted me to tell me my site was down. i don't even have a convenient way of *testing* the non-https site.

what fucking browsers are you people using anyway

@mewmew i think perhaps has an issue

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