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the holy roman empire's "no retail or vacuuming on sundays" is really cramping my style

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ph- (covid) 

hmm my mastodon is broken, i think i need to prune and upgrade. ugh

a reminder that there is still widespread slavery in america, with the full knowledge and consent of the government:

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When I watched Lain for the first time, I couldn't understand how does Lain fill the entire room with equipment. A bunch of servers and workstations? Quite understandable. But racks and racks of random equipment, like, what?

/me looks at things around me.
Now I know.

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By the age of 30 you should be fluent in writing assembly for at least 3 obsolete 8-bit architectures

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Just 4 to 6 weeks left until schools reopen and children will spread BA.5 like wildfire because after three years of COVID we still can't get our shit together in the slightest to prevent a deadly airborne disease to slaughter and maim innocent people.

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My Saturn images from the last few years.

From left to right:
1) 2015, 6" Maksutov, phone digiscope
2) 2016, Mak & Canon 550D
3) 2020, same as 2)
4) 2021, Mak & ZWO ASI 178MM
5) 2022, 8" Newtonian & 178MM

I believe that setup 5 has more potential too, haven't had good seeing yet this 🪐 season.

the unifi web cloud portal thing that allows you to remote into your routers/management includes both google analytics *and* sentry. what the fuck

picking images on the image picker as well as in every gallery app i have tried thus far on a pixel 6 pro (flagship android as of rn) is abysmal and excruciating. how old are smartphones now? how long have you had to get this right?

damn it to hell syncthing can't run on ios and apns can't be disabled.

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The city of Berkeley intended to lift its ban on chemical weapons this evening, so they could use them to attack People's Park protesters, but now the meeting has been cancelled.

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Traditionally published author friends:

Yesterday, Penguin Random House stated under oath that $100,000 was not a large advance.

Get that official transcript before negotiating your book contract.

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another reason it is not yet the year of Linux on the Desktop: every time my monitors wake from sleep they are mirrored and I have to fix it with:

xrandr --output DisplayPort-0 --right-of HDMI-A-1

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