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100 Mastodon myths:

1. Mastodon is hard.

FALSE. It’s a "soft"ware. Not hardware.

2. You have to use Linux to post on Mastodon.

FALSE. FreeBSD and OpenBSD are also supported.

3. You need to learn to use the Vim editor before posting on Mastodon.

FALSE. There’s also an emacs plugin.

4. Mastodon is only for computer nerds.

FALSE. As you can see, we sometimes try to make jokes that everyone could understand.

sneak boosted

6,722,998 accounts
+1,915 in the last hour
+55,637 in the last day
+640,596 in the last week

i say again: please please please tell me people to follow. my TL needs more content!

i bulk followed like a thousand fedi people whose accounts i found in the "following" lists of other users who seemed cool. this is how i used twitter, i would add like a zillion people, then unfollow anyone later if i saw things i didn't like in my TL.

apparently mentally unstable people are extra common here; i got a lot of hate mail for even causing *follow requests*. imagine asking for consent being inappropriate.

all sorts of image classification shit phones home to Apple in macOS even if you don't use their photos app or icloud. it's insane how much nonconsensual, non-obvious network activity there is when using photos on a mac.

note that i do not use icloud, do not use, and have all icloud/itunes domains blocked. for some reason mediaanalysisd is still phoning home to apple. "privacy is a human right" my shiny metal ass.

so glad that apple writes documentation for the processes that come with macosX

oh hey cool waiting on starting a task while i wait for a single threaded gnu autoconf configure to complete on a $15k supercomputer. this is a reasonable and effective use of time, gnu, and i love and support your choices

sneak boosted

All of these people joining who are getting banned from twitter for impersonating Elon need to step your game up. Back in 2018 someone (whomst I won’t name as a courtesy) left twitter by sending a picture of their scrotum to every sitting US Senator

the protonmail bridge software phones home to quad9 and google DoH services silently and without obtaining consent or offering a preference to opt out.

please tell me more people to follow on the fediverse. i don't have enough content in my feeds.

someone appears to be tampering with TLS streams, getting TLS read errors ("decryption failes or bad record mac" in ssl3_get_record when using wget).

just had my first experience accidentally downloading an aarch64 .app on my intel mac. oops.

also apparently the librewolf people don't know about fat binaries

what the fuck is with software automatically resizing my images to be shit? signal does this, mastodon does this (either serverside or in the ios client), everything does this. i spend ten grand a year on cameras and software makes their output look like a fucking potato despite me and everyone i communicate with being on gigabit or 5g. i hate this timeline

the apple studio display (which of course has an Ax chip in it and standard iOS-style secure boot/update with personalized-to-serial updates) cannot be purchased in-person with cash if you want the VESA mount. you need to provide payment card info (identity) to get the serialized device. even our monitors are trackable now.

sneak boosted

I feel really bad for all the small admins getting crushed by the sudden explosion of Mastodon interest

signal-ios ten years in still hasn’t figured out how to not block the ui thread. yay for releasing half baked buggy shit without basic qa

The moon blew up without warning and for no apparent reason.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!