the only website the federal government should have is literally every other .gov should be destroyed. why am i being forced to pay for this stuff?

once we get that done, then we can destroy too and vacate the military.

i’m so old that i remember when electric vehicles, space exploration, and destroying the federal government was cool

feels like GigabitEthernet was a missed opportunity to call it FasterEthernet

i am downloading from the internet at 200 megabytes per second.

my first fast connection, i could download at almost 70 kilobytes per second (almost half a megabit) and it blew my mind.

chatgpt is down, how am i ever going to use ffmpeg to convert these videos now?!??

hi y’all, i’m playing on the biggest poker livestream in the world today (thursday 9 jan) at 16:30 pacific time (19:30 eastern, 01:30 friday CET). please tune in!

wikipedia has a very strict non-deadnaming policy if someone is not notable prior to adopting their new name. it can't even appear in redirects or lists.

i wish i didn't have to renounce my gender to be afforded the same protection.

i got my first tiktok strike today for commenting "speak to pigs in a language they understand". two left to go!

sneak boosted
sneak boosted

First, solve the problem. Then, write the code.

— John Johnson

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