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re: consent | public siphonning | gorey 

re: consent | public siphonning | gorey 

@DeepCoreMining @izalia while i don’t agree with the block gang because i don’t think adults should choose what other adults get to read, i am also fairly certain that your “perfectly align” part is both factually incorrect and more than a little bit uncharitable; try not picking fights next time. i for one have no interest in reading you mindlessly yelling at people with whom you disagree.

@aidalgol @izalia copyright is a fiction that was invented to satisfy and protect a commercial industry. i do not recognize copyrights or ownership of information in any way whatsoever. they are a fairytale told by a state, not a real thing. @izalia it shouldn’t be respected because it is a belief in a nonsensical thing. it is not possible, computers or no computers, to publish something then prevent the people you explicitly sent something to from having and using that information. it simply does not work, and can not work. we don’t own information. secrets aren’t ours once we tell them. @izalia if you put it on my screen by any means, i have the right to preserve it for my own uses. i am allowed eg to record my screen; make screenshots, archive my own network traffic, et c.

@rabcyr @videomurder @velartrill @aphyr you can start with yours, i am still happy with mine and will continue using it.

sneak boosted

A large chunk of the Fediverse was scraped; your posts are being “released” 

it seems i have been living in a bubble; violent threats are not allowed on most mainstream social networks, and seeing it so often in the fediverse really bums me out.

consent | public siphonning | gorey 

consent | public siphonning | gorey 

fediverse privacy, the future, surveillance, bad actors, negative, long 

@steph humans like leaders. most humans are not leaders, and like to know they have a leader above/in charge of them.

totally normal question with no hidden motive, definitely not activism related i don’t think it’s some conspiracy or plan, most people just like families and kids. same for sports or alcohol or any other common, basic thing that basic people are into.

there are a lot more rude people on the fediverse than on twitter, i find. :/ @izalia that’s super rude. i don’t think i will read your webpages, no. @izalia you cant restrict the uses of public data. when you publish something, people get to read and process it. the power lies in the originator when they choose to publish or not publish. i don’t get to blog and say “you can read it for personal use, but you can’t pull quote it in a commercial article”. that’s not how publishing works.

@videomurder @velartrill @aphyr you seem to conflate the privacy practices of google with the idea that web indexing is somehow an invasion. no content can be downloaded for a request that the web server does not provide. if you put something on the web, people are allowed to download it. that’s how the web works.

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