Show more i think people saying that if you believe women, you can't support biden is not arguing in bad faith, but logic. they really are mutually exclusive positions, in my view, regardless of whether you agree with them or not.

the osmo pocket really should have had a tripod mount screw hole in the bottom and a mic input jack.

why do people like vsauce and the everyday astronaut and the non-walrus mythbuster keep pretending that video personalities have human names

i saw kraftwerk like 6 times between 2005 and 2015 or so, sometimes in 3d. i would have paid extra for this performance instead:

sounds like apple's about to release some really nice over-ear wireless headphones with noise cancelling. i absolutely adore my sennheiser HD1s for wireless and my HD820s for my desk; i am already high-end-headphone maxxed out, so this might be the first apple new product in a *very* long time i won't buy.

i need two desks that are 75cm deep and 150cm wide and 70-75cm tall, or one 3m long desk that's 75cm deep and 70-75cm high. cheap and durable. western united states. please advise.

i love that other people also insist on calling michael "vsauce" despite his trying really hard to ensure that everyone knows his name is actually michael. also bigups to buying blank tshirts in bulk and wearing nothing else.

i want a picture of tom scott and james burke together so i can frame it and put it on my wall

sometimes i just want to pinch tom scott's cheeks and pat him on the head and say "well done!"

it appears nobody makes good >200ppi 5k displays. panels, yes, but not like an end-user display with ports and a case

LG display designs/housings are so insanely fucking ugly

i bought a plague doctor outfit for last halloween because i dig plague doctors, but then last halloween i took a nap and didn't get in costume or leave my house, so it's unused.

probably be passé for this halloween, eh?

the DNA lounge HD video stream (over HLS, too) is really cool, and is streaming a shuffle of cool music videos:

it even takes requests via the web:

i could stare at ruth radelet's face all day i want a monitor of equivalent or better quality than the LG 5k panel inside of my imac pro. i am saying that that 4k is *lower* quality, and people seem to like that one a lot. i need something better that is either the LG standalone display that uses the same panel (lg ultrafine 5k) or a suggestion that i don't know about

i have a U2718Q and an imac pro with the LG 5k panel. the dell is blurry/sparkly by comparison (perhaps from the matte). is the LG 5k standalone display (now discontinued, but still available) better?

i found this:

trying really hard not to have to spend $6k on that stupid new apple monitor just to get an equivalently good display after i sell this imac

@onan wait, more people have coronavirus than use activitypub?!

i think most of the backlash against tech companies that host UGC and that they're not "doing enough" to censor is a combination of the fact that a) millions of humans, together in a group, are terrible - "none of us are as cruel as all of us", and b) all of these hosting/app providers are well-branded, so they are seen (erroneously) as endorsing all manner of the worst of human expression.

censorship is bad, and brand-building is essential. how to fix?

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