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i have a scanner radio sitting in my office, on and scanning 24/7. some EMTs were reading someone's full PII over the air unencrypted (id number, name, address, date of birth, et c) and my partner was astounded to hear it.

turns out that most normal people have absolutely no training whatsoever in the protection of PII.

@Th3G4m3r @timkrief i only intend to send 1-4 mails to my mailing list per year. in fact, i have never sent even 1 mail yet.

i toot (microblog) dozens of times per day. i post (macroblog) maybe 1-2 times per month (12x per year).

i would like a good format for a 1-2/day post, for things that are not big enough to be a blog post.

asking a reader for attention is asking a favor.

@Th3G4m3r false:

there are end-to-end encrypted, private tools for synchronizing your data between devices that don't involve doxxing yourself to apple (or providing them with your keys or plaintext):

the worst is that i'm trying to donate a five-figure sum to an open source project in cash before the tax year is up and i can't even find a fucking email address for them.

ugh why does nobody put their goddamned email address on their webpage any longer? i don't want to fucking @ you on twitter and be censored, i don't want to DM you on whatever-the-fuck. you have an email address, put it on your webpage.

i wonder how long i can get away with using catalina on these remaining intel machines

@stux we either need to revoke copyright/trademark on yoda and claim these stories for our society, or everyone needs to stop doing free advertising for Disney Inc.

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serial numbers and hardware IDs are only sent to apple when using apple network services. don't use apple services (e.g. app store, apple music, et c) and these identifiers are not sent.

you are allowed to use apple hardware/OS without touching apple services, you know. it's even a supported configuration, if a bit uncommon.


serial numbers and hardware IDs are only sent to apple when using apple network services. don't use apple services (e.g. app store, apple music, et c) and these identifiers are not sent.

you are allowed to use apple hardware/OS without touching apple services, you know. it's even a supported configuration, if a bit uncommon.

does anyone have a cryptocurrency specialist tax consultant that knows all about 1031 and such that they love that doesn't keep all your PII and tax data unencrypted in cloud and 3P services?

i have a great cpa/tax lawyer, but cryptocurrency and defi gets real hairy, real fast, and i need a specialist to augment them.

@timkrief i like microblogging, and will continue to use it. i just don't like breaking single publications (in the 1-5 kilobyte range) into pieces to fit the microblogging format. also i would like them on my website automatically, without a website rebuild/republish.

@wilhelm krebs is german for cancer. do not link or promote him, he is a bully who doxxes people he doesn't like.

@paoloredaelli as i wrote in my article, many types of network requests serve as telemetry even when not intended as such, which is why it's important to not make any network requests prior to user-initiated actions, and even then, perhaps batch them so they are not correlated with user activity in time. i wish more applications would embed tor like wasabi wallet, as to not cause *all* network requests to amount to a coarse track log.


i've pcapped a fresh install of firefox (recently!) and it sent all sorts of connections to mozilla on first launch even before i was prompted for telemetry. the facts don't match your claims.

@paoloredaelli everyone is still waiting for their librem. until i can buy it with next-day shipping in quantities up to 1000, i file it as vaporware.

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no but you can use bputil to disable the signature checks on the readonly root partition (but only if you're not using disk encryption). replacing the kernel is not possible at this time afaik but also there's no real reason you'd need to do that. all of the objectionable apple stuff is in userspace.

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