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be advised that if you are replying to me and don't get likes/replies-to-your-replies you probably made a nonsensical/stupid reply to me at some time and i muted you. i love the mute button.

@Hyolobrika @alex because without the segregation by gender in the leagues, there would be no sport for the women as it would be impossible for even the elite women competitors to place.

the entirety of organized sport is participation, even for non-team competitive sports. we make up the rules, the leagues, the protocols. it's very simple: they are gendered so more people can meaningfully participate and enjoy the competition.

sneak boosted
Plant-based diets imply the existence of plant-cringe diets.

coronavirus cases on earth are up 21% over 14 days ago. we are not winning.

6x as many people have died from the coronavirus as have died from the coronavirus in america, you self-centered fucks

type "covid 19 deaths" into google from a US VPN IP and nowhere above the fold will it show you how many have died from the virus, only in that one country (which is <4% of humans)

it's totally gross that your dashboards only show the cases and deaths inside of your fictional geographic outline

@raphael presentation and content are inherently linked (the typeface and size and layout are as much the communication as what the words say) and attempting to separate them was a fool's errand the entire time. there's no virtue in needless abstractions.

@raphael prettier is the js equivalent of black and its defaults are mostly sane and usable (once you set the indent width to 4 instead of 2).

i have CI set on all js projects to fail PRs that aren't formatted with prettier. fmt before commit or gtfo

@raphael the point of self-hosting is... self-hosting. also the TOS of that service has no indication of what sort of content is prohibited on their servers outside of the bounds of the law, which is the whole reason i took an audience haircut to leave twitter.

i think these states are stupid for reopening businesses and hotels, and the spring breakers should all be gassed for failing to pass a simple intelligence test by going there at all, but i am pretty sure that what the police are doing is illegal:

"The police will also block people who are not city residents, hotel guests or employees who work on South Beach from driving into the city along the MacArthur, Venetian and Julia Tuttle causeways"

@raphael thirds are not commonly used as subdivisions of a million dollars in colloquial speech in the united states. halves and quarters are.

also: why are you asking me i didn't write it

@surfingalot yes that is my mobile these days. only downside is mini (not micro) usb charging. it doesn't even support mms, it's lovely

@mrsaturday noise from the activities of other humans is a consequence of your choice to live in a city; go live in the country far away from people if you want quiet. you chose to live in an "apartment complex" and be near others.

7700 people died from coronavirus yesterday. that's the equivalent of nine fully loaded, no-empty-seats A380 superjumbos falling out of the sky and expoding into a fireball.

this has been happening for months and yet still a third of nurses in the usa don't want to get vaccinated.

@bunni it should be renamed first, i literally always forget the name of it and have to google for it each time i want to use it. it doesn't fetch shit

sneak boosted
Happy one year anniversary of people losing their minds about GameStop claiming to be essential and staying open in defiance of PA governor's order.

i was on the fence about the ferengi being a parody/mockery of jewish stereotypes until i read the 17th rule of acquisition

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