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@cnx i think it's rude to speculate about people's health when it doesn't affect you, and it's double rude to gossip about it with unrelated third parties. why don't you ask him instead of me if you're so concerned?

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> make a mechanism to 'draw' on a whiteboard while mining ethereum 2.0
> people draw this
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mailservers use a lot less ram these days

holy fucke statping is great software.

I recently chatted with Bram Cohen (of Chia and formerly BitTorrent) and Adam Levine on the Hard Problems podcast, on the topic of ransomware. It's good (although a bit technical, if you're into that) and you can listen here:

Direct download link:

Discussion thread:

why did everyone turn dumber during the pandemic?

@wowaname also what is it with anti-signal people, you fuckers are worse than vegans. WE GET IT, YOU VAPE

@wowaname it is clientside. patching things out on ios is a pain in the ass, due to the fact that you need your rebuilt binary signed a few times a month to run.

@stevejail you obviously, as evidenced by your reply.

@iron_bug you are wrong, and more importantly you are invested emotionally in being wrong, and therefore you are now muted. be well and stay safe.

everyone piling on the reposts of the trump quote about people who died in wars being suckers and losers seem to be butthurt about it because the statement is gauche. they seem to have failed to notice that the statement is also true.

only losers pick up a gun and fly to far away lands to shoot at strangers. always remember that.

anyone wanna put bets on when the first major US wave of vaccine resistant covid hits and tears through the whole no-mask country like a serial killer who just broke out of prison?

my bet is october or november.

signal allowing remote conversation partners to use their cryptographic signing keys to instruct your device to delete media at their command (contrary to your wishes) is by definition a form of DRM.

where's the best place to buy a new, quality acoustic guitar online?

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