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@amolith you don't need to use docker to run a container bruh

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'Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darkness of other people.'

- Carl #Jung


@surfingalot i did the math wrong, it was only 10tb for $1000 (5x $200 2tb sata) @w96k in the US, to get a patent, you must publish detailed instructions about how the device works. patents are a commercial monopoly, they are not a restriction on the information or a way of keeping the tech to oneself - quite the opposite. you can't get the business monopoly benefit without publishing the information for free in full to all.

@w96k copyright exists because self-appointed authorities have been doing violence-based industrial protectionism since time immemorial and nobody's lynched them for it yet.

just bought 20tb of flash for under $1000 @w96k group ownership (where the groups are not consensual/opt-in) is a lie to cover up for entitled people who want to steal. knowledge is not property and cannot be stolen and no one is in any way required to "give back" anything having received knowledge.

changing the mtu everywhere on a lan shouldn't be this hard

@Zergling_man it could prove useful for so many things. apple used to do multicast chat on a lan, too, via the os-builtin ichat app. (cmd-f irc-server)

i feel like every "free palestine" needs to be suffixed with an implicit "; expel hamas"

@th fun fact, if you set _device-info._tcp in your zeroconf/avahi smb service broadcast to "model=RackMac", it will show up as a rackmount xserve.

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Apple's default icon for a Windows server has the BSOD on a CRT.

@th "we're all vaccinated" is like the modern day werewolves and villagers.

i hope the situation in .nl improves soon.

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while presently changing my interface mtus on all interfaces on my lan to 9000 due to my adoption of 10,000 megabit networking, i discovered that isc dhcpd supports a dhcp response option to specify an irc server to a client.

imagine a world where when you connect to a lan your irc client automatically connects to the local server specified in dhcp

a shortage of 10gbase-t ports in my lab meant i put a 2 port 10gbt card in one box and added both of the ports to a bridge in linux and daisy-chained my other box off of it.

moved both boxes upstairs this week. guess which box decided to die during the move? hint: it wasn't the leaf node.

@icedquinn this is a deflection.

@djsumdog wooo decentralization! mastodon will also delete/hide local data based on remote admin decisions:

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