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i don't think that /etc/synthetic.conf works on catalina (and assumed not on big sur as a result) and i don't want an unencrypted volume on my machine. is it still possible to do the symlink thing for nix on macOS?

@icedquinn i mean, i advocate for "kryptos means hidden and not shitcoins" too but it's still not a "i wanna use a nazi symbol because i talk about the zoroastrian sun a lot! (wink wink)"

@icedquinn i suggest you look into writing with the greek alphabet instead then, it has mostly not changed on the timescale you seem to be interested in. you are writing in a language that is, in its current form, way less than a thousand years old, though, so perhaps you implicitly acknowledge that recent/current events actually have a disproportionate cultural impact than those in remote history?

about to reformat/reinstall my catalina-running big mac and opt in to big surveillance. how do i install nix without the stupid fucking --darwin-use-unencrypted-nix-store-volume hack?

@icedquinn this is a disingenuous claim. language changes all the time, but perhaps not to your liking, or on the topics you want. most changes are short-lived and not very widespread, and die out. some are in/famous, and last a long time and have a lot of intertia. on earth in 2021 clockwise swastikas mean nazis almost without exception, and if that bothers or annoys you i sort of wonder why

@icedquinn the swastika will equal nazis for at least another 50 years or so. :dealwithit: society-wide pointers don't snap quickly.

@nier not just an app that has the same render layout as instagram, but an actual instagram *replacement*. pixelfed ain't it, the UX is terrible.

@me what i really want is a jekyll photo gallery plugin for my website and a good cms for jekyll, but that's a Whole Thing. i really should make a wordpress replacement that's just an admin-only dynamic/api cms app that renders out a whole static site on each change (and commits sources to git)

@icedquinn the meanings (and spellings and pronunciations) of words change over time, the meanings of emoji change too, and it is reasonable that their graphical representations should change, too. it shouldn't be fucking look-how-woke-we-are tech companies dictating it via unmodifiable DRM OSes, though.


@me i have an account, the app had terrible ux so i stopped using it.


@icedquinn nothing really suggests that it was because antivaxxers, just that the syringe is used to indicate vaccines and that the blood in the tube is inappropriate for the observed use case. this is emoji descriptivism, which i support.

the squirt gun thing was just politicking in my text editor, though, just like their censorship of the taiwanese flag in zh-localized iOS.

how do i get more air conditioning in one room of my house than the others? do i have to go around and close all the vents in the other rooms an equal amount? i moved my servers in from the garage so they don't have to endure another 4 months of 40C+ and now my office is sweaty

man, my instagram was fire. can someone please suggest a replacement?

nevermind that if you storm the apple donut they will call men with 🔫 (no, not squirt guns) to come over and remove you.

I took this photo in the main SF Apple Store. Don't let anyone with valuables try to convince you they are anti-gun. They're only anti-your-gun.

other instances of apple's excessive wokeness-signalling: they will render your UTF-8 gun emoji as a squirt gun (something entirely different than a gun), because under the newspeak rules if you can't say "gun" in emoji then the concept of gun will become unthinkable and nobody will get shot anymore

apple is so woke now that the primary demographic that attends their WWDC conference is not included at all in their WWDC conference promotional header.

to be clear, i'm a fan of affirmative action to reduce inequality of opportunity; the status quo is unacceptable. i also think that this sort of highly performative wokeness is mostly ineffective in changing that status quo and is more pretension and value-communication (and, thus, meaningless brand marketing/positioning).

ads are cancer. @wowaname @iron_bug private property doesn't come from the state, locke correctly identified it as a natural right, and to abolish private property (as the anarcho-socialists advocate) you're going to have to initiate some violence against the peaceful to take away, by force, what was created by and belongs to them. that's not anarchism, that's central ideology/government coordinated looting.

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